Tag Archives | requirements capture


Logic Sequencer added in latest version of Spike

First there was the mechanical drum switch, an important control device that has controlled (amongst other things) washing machines and the like for a long time. A Cam timer (courtesy Wikipedia) https://goo.gl/images/rjHcf1 This evolved into the more flexible software programmable PLC sequencer . The latest version of Spike Prototype has a built in logic sequencer for rapid […]

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Augmenting Spike with 3rd party extensions and usage with collaboration platforms

Extending spike functionality with Chrome browser extensions One of Spike’s strengths is the fact that the front end is web-browser based, and the application is Azure cloud based. This means that you can take advantage of the vast ecosystem  of collaboration Software and browser plugins to augment and extend its functionality. This is particularly powerful […]

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Confessions of an automation engineer

A couple of years back, whilst I was between train-wreck automation project contracts, I somehow got to looking at overall factory floor integration in the context of modern internet software development technology that was upending every other industry except ours. The more I looked at industrial automation, the more I thought that the only way […]

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